
Thursday Night - Trying Not to Sell Out

That's right, I'm trying not to sell out. I'm pretty beat, but I can't punk out two nights in a row, so here I am with a last minute post. Let's see what I can scrounge up...

(Disclaimer: Apprentice comments below. There's a spoiler in there. If you haven't seen the finale and don't want to know who wins, skip to the next paragraph.)

- First off, I may be the only person who hasn't yet lost interest in The Apprentice, as tonight was the finale of the 4th season with the Donald. I tend to get sick of reality TV shows after a while, and that's why even I can't figure out why I still watch the show. Best guess: I start watching the season, get to know the players, and then I have to continue watching to see what happens. Tonight was the expected, drawn-out 2 hour finale. It wasn't as bad the 3 hour extravaganza with Regis Philbin during the Season 2 finale (Thank God), but still ended up being too long with too many commercial breaks. Any case, I didn't have much doubt that Randal would win, as this guy seemed to have his act together from Day 1. Rebecca was tough, and I still can't fathom how she's the same age as me, and runs a non-profit organization in addition to a full-time job. Pretty impressive. Any case, I had the feeling that Trump was leaning toward Randal because this guy could do no wrong. He had the support of 90% of the candidates who had already been fired. And good for him for picking the Atlantic City projects where he'll be spearheading the construction projects to renovate the Trump casinos. They sure as hell need it. All of them are turning pretty crappy. Regardless, I don't know if I can handle any more Apprentice. It's the same old crap over and over these days.

- I came across this article this afternoon, and when I got home, Julie had left me an IM with the link as well. It's a pretty funny article about how some penguins in a zoo in Japan are getting fat, so they make them exercise. Pretty humorous.

- By the way, as of the time of this post, the deadline for the New York City transit workers has passed and there hasn't been any agreement reached. While there hasn't been any word on the walkout, odds are pretty good that there won't be any subways or buses tomorrow morning. Add the crappy weather that's in the area this evening and it could make for a nasty commute for those folks. They were interviewing some people on the news this evening, and people who live in Brooklyn or Queens were saying that they must be in work tomorrow, and will do whatever they have to in order to get there on time. I want to see some pictures of people walking across the bridges in the middle of the freezing rain. This oughta give me some good stories. If you're as fascinated with this circus as I am, keep an eye on what happens...

- This is the great - the Transit Workers' Union has a blog... and the format is the same as mine. I don't get it: Their Thursday posting has over 70 comments right now. Maybe if I threaten to go on strike, I'll get 70 comments. My favorite is from some guy named Mark, simply writes, "F*** you guys. F*** you." Another quality remark is from a blogger named Phuck TWU, who so eloquently writes, "You phuckin' lazy monkeys." See, I told you this strike would be a good time.

- So why am I so excited about the transit strike? Because it doesn't affect the train that I take from CT into NYC, and I'm able to walk to where I'm going. And this way, I can see all the craziness. We all know how much I love to witness the craziness first hand. I'll be in the city this weekend with the exciting event being my attendance with the Jessica on Friday evening at the News Corporation Holiday Party. If I see Rupert Murdoch, I'll tell him that all of his fans on the RPR said hi and I'll also thank him for treating me to a drink. He's got plenty of money...I'm thinking I may have to choose a fine whiskey.

I hope that everyone enjoys their weekend. Stay warm, stay dry, and try to catch up on your sleep. Let's be honest, there's no good to reason to wake up early on a Saturday when there's no college football on. Your body will thank you for it.


At 8:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since I don't want you to have to go on strike heres my comment...
If there is a transit strike and its pictures of pissed off people walking in the rain in cold that you want, I'll be sure to bring my camera with me as I trek from Penn Station to downtown for Reza's work christmas party...at 5pm. My luck they won't annouce the full blown strike till I'm already on the LIRR on my way in and have no choice but to continue on in my journey..

At 1:55 PM, Blogger The Ross said...

Of course, I don't want any stoppages to affect friends of mine, so Alison, I hope they continue to the run the subways as they have today. (And let's also hope they get the contract negotiated this weekend to end future strike threats.)


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