
Real Quick...

I know I said I wasn't going to post anything tonight, but this is real quick.

First off, it seems that not everyone was sick of my transit strike obsession. Here's an IM that Bryant left for me: "I, for one, would like MORE transit strike coverage. I got a fever, and the only cure, is more RPR." Glad that someone appreciates me.

Also, here's a great story about a cab ride gone bad. People were a little on edge this week, and here's how one cabbie ended up with a bloody nose, driving like a maniac in Brooklyn.

So I hear that New Jersey is in the running for a new state slogan. They've determined the five finalists. Here's what I have to say about each of them. (It's just too easy to make fun of the Garden State)

1. "New Jersey: Expect the Unexpected.'' - Like when they find Jimmy Hoffa underneath Giants Stadium
2. "New Jersey: Love at First Sight.'' - The first time you entered the casinos...
3. "New Jersey: Come See for Yourself.'' - ...how many landfills we really have near the Newark airport
4. "New Jersey: The Real Deal.'' - the people, the gas station attendants, the myriad of liquor stores, and the crazy traffic laws. They really aren't screwing around.
5. "New Jersey: The Best Kept Secret.'' - Yeah, that case of gonorrhea that the hooker in Atlantic City didn't tell you about.

Good night, New Jersey.


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