
90's Music, Overheard in ?, and Us Weekly

Running through the list of things that are worth running through...

- On the way home from work today, I heard Third Eye Blind's "How's It Going to Be" on the radio. I can't tell you the last time I heard this song, but I always get nostalgic when I hear the songs that I really enjoyed back in the mid & late 90's era. You remember when Third Eye Blind came out with its self-titled record in 1997: it ended up having 5 singles off of it. "Semi-Charmed Life", "Jumper", "Graduate", "How's It Going to Be", and "Losing a Whole Year". That's like pantheon for records: having 5 singles on the radio. Of course, in the current days of mp3 players, satellite radio, internet radio, and podcasts, no one listens to terrestrial radio anymore. The fact of the matter is that records coming out these days often don't have 3 singles let alone 5, which makes the feat that much more impressive. Pull out that Third Eye Blind CD and have a high school flashback!

- I found a great quote on this wonderful thing we have called the "world wide web" and since it makes fun of MySpace, it makes it that much funnier. Apparently, this quote is from a segment on an unknown C-SPAN program.

"MySpace is the Sears Catalogue for pedophiles."

Yep, that about sums it up. And since you all know how much I love similes and metaphors, I got a kick out of that comment.

- For your time-wasting pleasure, you may have seen the popular OverHeard in New York. Now, there are some very funny spinoffs: OverHeard at College and OverHeard in the Office. Just goes to show that there are people in large cities, on college campuses, and in offices around the country that are the owners of very stupid comments -- and there's someone around to overhear the comment -- and post it on the internet.

- Attention Ladies: Bill Simmons (The Sports Guy) has a great idea that he'd like to market to you: Us Weekly Fantasy League. It'll be like fantasy baseball or football, but based around the celebrity gossip and news that you know and love from reading the Us Weekly magazine. Guys spend hours and hours of their time on fantasy leagues, so being involved in one that is geared toward a subject that you enjoy might increase your understanding for guys' affinity to fantasy sports.

I'm heading home this weekend to visit the family and hang out with Mom for Mother's Day. Enjoy the weekend.


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