
AC Trip Highlight

I decided not to go into way too much detail on the AC trip since I feel like my write-up won't do the trip enough justice, similar to when I was down there about 2 months back. My blog recap never makes it as humorous as it truly was, so I'll spare the hour-by-hour diary. Instead, I'd like to highlight the best part of the trip: The second encounter with David Longo.

When Eric, Belman, and I met up with Brandon down in Atlantic City, some part of me wouldn't have been surprised at all if we had run into David on this trip. After all, he told us on more than one occasion during the previous trip how much time he spent in the casinos. He kept coming back, they kept paying for him to come back...they both win. Plus, Eric and I had hyped this guy up so much, that I wanted to run into him again just to prove to Belman and Brandon how much of a character he is.

So it's around 6:00pm on Saturday, we're already at the Blackjack tables, and we've told the cocktail waitress to start bringing the Jack & Cokes 0ur way. I turn around and there's a guy and girl standing next to me. There he is. Mr. David in our presence. I look at him, "Hey, David, how ya doing?!?!" He gives me the 'I know this guy but can't place the name' look, and I say, "I'm Ross, we were hanging out with you a couple months back. That's Eric over there..." And then it clicked and he goes, "Oh yeah, the Penn State guys!" (Never underestimate the power of Dear Old State)

We're shooting the shit with him for a little bit, he sits down to play some cards, and were amazed by the wad of $100 bills he pulled out of his pocket. He started up with his gambling antics, but wouldn't become as crazy as last time because he didn't have enough booze in his system yet. In the meantime, he had a girl with him who had to have been about 10 years younger than him. She stood by his side while he was playing and seemed completely uninterested in the proceedings. Belman asked me on the side if she was his wife, and I quoted David from last time, "Yeah just got out of a nasty divorce. She took the Range Rover." No, this wasn't the wife. This was the new girlfriend who he's wining and dining and bringing as a guest to his all-expenses paid weekend in America's Playground.

He mentions that he was playing in a Blackjack Tournament that evening and was headed to dinner up at the Italian restaurant in the hotel, Polistina's.

Me: Yeah we ended up going there last time and it was really good.
David: I'm heading up there now because I have to come back for the tourney later on. You guys should go up there tonight to eat. I'll take care of it for you.
Me: Really? Anything you can do for us would be great.

As I say this, I realize that I wouldn't expect anything to come through. He doesn't really know us, so he might say he's take care of us, but you can't assume anything. So I didn't for the time being.

We were playing at the tables for a little while longer, and had a nice set up going... bullshitting with the dealers, Eric and Brandon with their back&forth nonsense, making wisecracks, while Belman, myself, and anyone else in the vicinity just looking on in amazement by those two clowns. The NFL Draft was playing on the TV's within viewing distance, and we were doing fairly well, so it was good times all around. Then David stopped back at our table at around 8:00pm.

David: Hey you guys, I made you a reservation at Polistina's at 9:00pm. Go up there, talk to Paul, tell him you're the Penn State guys. I mentioned Eric's name, so he'll remember.
[Each of us looking at each other thinking: 'Holy crap, this guy is hooking us up'.]
Eric: David, thanks a lot, man, we really appreciate it.

Before we went up to the restaurant, we stopped by David's table again to thank him. He said, "Eric come here.... give this to Paul and tell him it's from you. Have a good time." He handed Eric a $25 chip to give to Paul (we weren't exactly sure who Paul was at the time). Well now... didn't we feel like hotshots. Not only are we hooked up for dinner, we're slipping this guy a $25 chip for his hospitality.

We head to the restaurant, and as we walk in there were about 10 people waiting to be seated. Eric leans over to the hostess and says, "Hi, I'm looking for Paul." Instantly, a gentleman in a suit says, "Oh you must be Eric! Please, gentleman, right this way." So Paul ended up being the Maitre 'd, and he couldn't have moved faster for us. As soon as he heard Eric ask for him, he jumped right over to us, grabbed the menus and led us through the people waiting, and to our table. As we approached our table, Paul says to the waiter and assistant, "These fellows are friends of David's. Let's treat them well." So David has some clout in this restaurant and we were reaping the benefits. Eric then pulls the 'shake hands with the chip in his right hand and slides it to Paul' move. Very smooth. I was impressed.

Now don't get me wrong, we aren't there to take advantage. We're not there to be pigs or be disrespectful. But the fact of the matter is that this meal isn't coming out of David's pocket (well, indirectly it's coming out of all the money he's won and lost at the casino). He gets it all comped anyway, so why not enjoy ourselves? That's what we did...

A few beverages, some calamari as an appetizer, I chose a veal dish for dinner. It was fantastic. Very enjoyable indeed. Eric and Belman even argued whether it's wrong to bring your dinner home with you when someone else is paying for it. I won't get into the argument, but needless to say, it was overanalyzed and drawn out.

The suspenseful portion of the meal was waiting for the "check" at the end. We made it clear to the waiter that we were finished. We weren't sure if an actual check would come and the joke would be on us, or if they would give us some sort of nod that we were all set, or if it was a matter of just scribbling a signature on a tab and calling it a night.

The waiter arrived with a check upwards of $200...

Waiter: Gentlemen, are you staying in the hotel this evening? If so, would you like me to charge it to the room?
[Eric and I look at each other, waiting for the other to say something]
Eric: Ummm, we were under the impression that Paul would take care of this for us...
Waiter: No problem, I will check with him.

The waiter runs over to Paul, and you see Paul give a nod in agreement that he "has it all taken care of". Waiter goes back to the register, punches a few buttons and sends over a revised check.

Waiter: Ok, please sign here and you're all set.
All of us: Thank you very much. We appreciate it.

On the way out, we found Paul and thanked him again for his hospitality and generosity. That's how you do it folks. Gotta keep up those positive connections.

We tried to find David after dinner to thank him again, but he was nowhere to be found. It was extremely nice of him to hook us up and we were appreciative. That is the way to go when you're at the casino. Over time, people lose enough money, but they do what they can to make sure you continue to return. In David's case, they give him free rooms, free meals, free everything, so he'll return. It's the least they can do for someone who throws tens of thousands of dollars around each trip. In his words, "If they didn't pay for everything, I wouldn't come."

Meanwhile, on Sunday morning before we left, we stopped by the Concierge Desk and asked to leave a message for David. "Please tell him 'Thank you again from the Penn State guys'." The concierge mentioned that she didn't know when the next time he would return, and we're not sure what that meant, but odds are that he'll get the message sooner or later.

Overall, excellent trip with the fellas. And who says there's no such thing as a free meal? In some cases, you can get away with one...just have to know the right people.


At 11:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ross- isnt it about time for a haircut/Yolanda story???

At 12:00 PM, Blogger The Ross said...

Two reasons I haven't gotten a haircut lately...

1. It's actually only been 4-5 weeks since my last haircut.

2. Juanita cut it a shorter than I like, so my hair still looks ok for the time being.

Give me another 2 weeks or so, and I'll start to become a little shaggy. Then I will encounter Yolanda once again.


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