
Andy's Nugget of Wisdom: "Great Ass Pants"

Andy sent his Nugget of Wisdom along to me, and this time, it comes with a little help of his brother. Ladies, any comments on the proposal below?

My brother proposed this idea: All girls (with some exceptions) have one pair of pants that makes their butt look amazing...they call them their 'Great Ass Pants'. They could be khakis, jeans, other pants...the girls know which pants they are. With these pants on, women have unlimited powers over [the guys], because they know all they have to do is flash their ass in them pants, and we will be hypnotized.


At 1:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

if a guy asks a girl which pants he should wear somewhere, honest girls respond "the bulge-tastic ones." same as the great ass pants, theory confirmed. remember black slut pants all the girls wore freshmen year, what happened to them?

At 1:38 AM, Blogger The Ross said...

Bonus Points for the name reference. "The grades on the test ranged from 100 to atrocious"

As for the black pants, they ought to bring them back. I'm sure the girls can get more use out of the tight black pants than just wearing them to the frats.


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