I'll Save My St. Patrick's Day Post for Tomorrow
I was going to write my St. Patrick's Day post tonight, but decided that I'd be better off writing it tomorrow. Of course, you know what that means... That means I'll forget all the ideas that I want to blog about, and then I'll have to swag the whole article tomorrow, with the resulting product being much different than I had originally anticipated. Such is life. Regardless, I'm sure you'll look forward to what the Jewish guy has to say about this Irish Catholic holiday...
- Speaking of, I wanted to get one comment in about Shamrock Shakes. You remember... the "limited time only" shakes that they used to have at McDonald's during March every year. They were minty, smooth, and tasted pretty damn good. Apparently, McDonald's discontinued them and thus are nowhere to be found this St. Patrick's Day, and haven't been available for several St. Patrick's Days now. Believe it or not, there is a website out there devoted to bringing back the Shamrock Shake. I don't know why I'm amazed at some of the websites out there anymore. You'd think that after all of these advances with the "world wide web", we'd get used to the fact that someone out there somewhere will devote a website to almost anything.
- So who's excited for the NCAA Tournament to begin on Thursday? I debated revising my bracket before the final submission, but thought better of it since it'd only be a turn for the worse. Hey, basketball predictions are no different than multiple choice tests: you must go with your initial instinct. I just love that there's 10 hours of basketball going on for each of the next four days... it's just a shame that I'll be at work for many of them. (Don't worry... I will be frequently checking scores...) The plan is to watch the games almost all day Saturday, as long as the Jessica doesn't disown me, because that would be bad news. It's a great time of year!
- I always thought I had a good memory. Rather, I remember things that many people would view as being "unimportant" like sports facts, historical events, the dates of when certain things happened, etc. At least once per week, I'll remember something and then ask myself, "How did I remember that? Or better, why did I remember that?" On the other hand, I sometimes forget important things like when I have to call someone the following day, or when someone asks me to remind them to do a certain task the next day. Before I leave work at night, I literally have to write down everything that I need to accomplish the next day, otherwise I will be in jeopardy of forgetting by the time I arrive in the morning. Not sure how the psychology of this works, but I found an article on the US Memory Championships (written by 2006 winner, Joshua Foer), and it make me realize that my memory isn't all that good.
The Memory Championships is on a whole other level from the items that I remember... like how the only word I mis-spelled during all of the spelling tests in 5th grade was "particle". Or how I remember can watch highlights of any major sporting event from the last 15 years and vividly remember watching them live at that time. I thought it was a great feat that I memorized the US Presidents in order, but none of these things match up with memorizing an entire shuffled deck of cards in less than one minute or memorizing a string 1,000 digits in one hour. Absolutely unbelievable. I hope these people are putting these good memories to good use...
And with that, I'm signing off for tonight. Back tomorrow with some more and at that time we'll do a little St. Patrick's Day preview...
(mmm... Guinness.....)
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