Don't worry: We all survived 06/06/06
First off, all of these people who became all up in arms over the fact that today was 06/06/06 ought to relax. Nothing happened. We didn't have the apocalypse. Satan didn't take over the world. In fact, by the time we were partially into our day, Southeast Asia was already into the next day. We survived 09/09/99 and we survived Y2K, so I think we'll all be fine.
- I received these comments from Co-worker Adam: "Just read this morning's RPR...just an FYI, DMX lives in Armonk, NY, which is probably why he was in White Plains....feel free to post that as a follow up". (To elaborate, Armonk is the high society town in Westchester County where I work, and the average home goes for about $1 million. It's all of the aristocrats living there... and DMX!")
- For the fan's of HBO's Entourage, get excited for the Season 3 premiere this Sunday, June 11th at 10pm. In the meantime, if you want to amuse yourself, have an interview with Ari Gold. Try to impress him with your witty answers.
- Been on a Radiohead kick lately, and have re-listened to most of their catalogue in the past few days. Absolutely brilliant work, although I still have a tough time really enjoying the Kid A/Amnesiac material. As mentioned several times on the RPR, OK Computer will always have a spot on my personal Top 10 Favorite Records of All-Time. Go ahead and disagree with me if you want; that's why I said "my personal", which means it's purely my opinion. Meanwhile, Thom Yorke's "not so solo" album, The Eraser, is released on July 11, and recently leaked on the internet. I downloaded some of the songs (for promotional listening use only) but haven't really taken a good listen to them yet. Here's hoping for some new Radiohead material in the near future.
And since I have nothing else to add, I'll just call it a night. Back tomorrow with some commentary from The Hills. (Get excited!)
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