
Links for your Entertainment

A few links for right now, as I scour the "World Wide Web" as it's known...

- Interesting blog about a guy who got a job at Jewish magazine, yet he's not Jewish. Extra creativity points for the blog title: Not Chosen, Just Posin'.

- The long time readers may know that I am fascinated by the inner workings of Starbucks. The company defines corporate America and I'm constantly amazed by their operations and ventures. This guy isn't kidding: there really are 3 stores within 1 block. In fact, I found out that there are 127 locations within 2 miles of Rockefeller Center. I don't even want to know how many there are in downtown Seattle.

- Just in case you want to see a list of the Top 10 Unintentionally Worst Company URL's.

- I agree with this guy completely: Diving makes soccer a great sport. If these guys weren't diving all over the place, it's just be a bunch of running around and kicking a ball.


At 4:06 PM, Blogger The Ross said...

I've been very "up in the air" about The Hills lately. I have in fact been watching every week, but it's just so beyond ridiculous that if I started posting about it again, I'd probably go off on some rant that I won't have energy for at 11pm at night when I blog.

Additionally, I am in the process of deciding whether or not I'll watch Laguna 3. Reason being: these kids are younger than my sister. When I think about it from that perspective, watching a show about a bunch of 18 yr olds just doesn't seem right, in fact, a little creepy. Granted, I'll still end up watching it. Who am I trying to kid?

At 10:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ross, did you hear about this whole www.stevenisacheatingdog.com scam? It was posed as a woman scorned by her cheating hubby, but was actually a brilliant campaign. Check it out. http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/Business/story?id=2210692&page=1


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