All T.O., All the Time
I've heard a few comments on the lack of a post yesterday, and I apologize. Work has been a bitch this week and I wasn't in the mood to sit in front of the computer after doing so all day long. Just wasn't happening. Any case, here's some material for you on your Friday before we embark on another weekend. This weekend takes me home to visit the fam - and read/hear all about the TO situation on the news and 610 WIP! Excellent segueway to this evening's topic: Terrell Owens.
Sorry if you aren't a big sports fan and don't want to hear me go on and on about the Eagles' favorite wide receiver, but I've taken the situation in and now it's time to weigh in with my thoughts. For those non-sports fans or people who live under a rock for the past couple of days, Terrell Owens decided on Wednesday that he was going to work out in the afternoon on a field separate from the rest of the team. He was running routes and catching passes from some of the trainers, while testing out his injured groin. So after the practice, Eagles head coach Andy Reid makes the comment that if TO is well enough to practice on his own, why can't he practice with the rest of the team. An argument ensues and Andy Reid kicks TO out of camp until next Wednesday.
Well, what a debacle. Between the contract dispute and now this disruption, I'm not so sure what to think about TO's positive impact on the team this year. He hasn't proven to be anywhere near positive in his few days at camp, and simply brings a media circus with him wherever he goes. After leaving Lehigh on Wednesday, he went to his home in South Jersey, where reporters were camping outside of his house, and there were even helicopters above the house to take in the whole scene. And if TO does in fact return to the team on Wednesday, I'm sure he'll bring even more of a media rodeo (it's gone beyond a circus) with him at that time.
Now, I'll be the first to tell you that I love TO. The guy helped the Eagles make it to the Super Bowl last season and he is a key part of the team if they want to return to the Super Bowl this year. Of course, I'll also be the first to tell you that I'd probably hate the guy if he weren't a member of my favorite team. His personality drives me nuts. He's self-centered, egotistical, obnoxious, and cocky. But he's a hell of a player, which nullifies all of the other items when it's gametime.
At first, I secretly wished that the Eagles would just cave in and re-negotiate the contract. Do something for the guy to shut him up. Promise him extra money after this season. Re-work the contract for several years in the future while keeping his earnings for 2005 the same as before. Do ensure that this guy is on the field on Monday, September 12th at 9pm when the Eagles open up the season in Atlanta. But now it's too late. The Eagles have held their ground long enough to convince everyone that they're serious and all business. How can they give in now? The front office would let TO win and be considered hypocritical for allowing him to be a special circumstance unlike any others. So they won't give in, and that is fine. I applaude them for keeping their stance. As Jerry Rice mentioned the other day, "You aren't bigger than the team". This is solid point that TO's gotta realize. He can act professional and play for the team, but he's already hurt his relationship with Donovan McNabb and Andy Reid, the two most important people in the franchise.
Something's got to be done next Wednesday when TO (hopefully) returns to the Eagles. If he continues to pout and cause problems, he won't end up being a positive contributor to the team. He's gotta lighten up and give in because the team surely won't. The Birds has the chance to be one of the league's best, but without TO, I'm not sure they have the offensive firepower to make it as far. McNabb and Westbrook are key players. The offensive line will hold their own. The defense will be solid as usual. But it's not enough. I'll say it - the Eagles need TO. But TO has to want to be there and put in 100% effort, otherwise the season will not live up to expectations, and the team's ties with TO won't last any longer than a middle-school relationship.
A very happy birthday goes out to RPR fanatic, Jared Melzer who celebrates his 23rd birthday on Friday, August 12. Jared Melzer, famous for being Commissioner of the NFL Betting pool and a key member of Team Yellow (Lance Armstrong) will be spending his birthday away from Austin, by taking a little trip with the Sarah Bushner to some other place in Texas. It is a big state so I won't begin to act like I know exactly where it is they are going. Regardless, Jared, I wish you a happy birthday weekend and I appreciate your frequent comments on the RPR.
I'll be in Philadelphia this weekend. Look for the next update on Monday night if I don't get a chance to write before then. Remember, I write posts and you write comments. I need my audience to live up to their end of the bargain!
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