More Press Release All-Stars
I'd like to recognize 2 more Press Release All-Stars: The Jessica and Jared "JMelly" Melzer.
The Jessica is a long-time supporter of the RPR, even dating back to its infant days within my AIM profile. She often humors me with the nonsense that I write, and has even been known to comment on occasion after I bug her to type a comment. The Jessica is even thinking about several guest columnist articles. Two topics that she has mentioned are each about NYC life, which isn't a big surprise to anyone. One topic relates to Jessica's morning runs in Central Park and the scene in the jungle of the concrete jungle at 7am. And the other topic, which I'm hoping ends up being funnier than when it was originally mentioned, is about how people in New York just sit. That's right, they sit. And do nothing. Here's an excerpt:
"I don't get it. When I was waiting for my laundry at the laundromat, I was at least talking on the cell phone and eating dinner. Then, on the way back, I pass by Starbucks, and people are just sitting. They aren't reading, they aren't drinking coffee. They are just sitting there doing nothing." We'll see how Jessica draws out the story from here. Stay tuned.
The other RPR all-star goes to Jared, who could quite possibly be the biggest fan of this little blog. Here's the conversation that ensued this evening (screen names taken out for identity purposes):
Jared: u writing in the press release tonight?
The Ross: debating it...i should really crash
The Ross: but i may not be able to write until Thurs
Jared: hey man ... no pressure
Jared: but i look forward to it each and every day
Jared: here is how my work day goes
Jared: go to, read sports
Jared: go to ross press release, read about u
Jared: then i do work
The Ross: hahahah....thats awesome
Jared: it's the daily ritual man
Also, Jared gets another shout-out because his boy Lance Armstrong won the Tour de France for the 46th consecutive year. I'm not sure if this race becomes more interesting next year because there'll be a new champion, or less interesting because no one will have Lance to rout for. By the way, can anyone (besides Jared) actually name another competitor in the Tour de France? I know there are hundreds, but let's be honest, it's been a one-man competition for years.
So who watched the Laguna Beach Season 2 this evening??? Honestly, MTV outdid themselves with this display of teenage drama goodness. Stephen comes back to Laguna and bitchface Kristen deserves a good sock in the face. Those new girls are a bunch of little brats (How about that one girl who bought the $600 Christian Dior shoes? "I can't believe I just spent $600 on these shoes!" She was trying to convince herself that she was surprised about the purchase.) A few other comments: Who takes a limo to a bowling alley? That's the biggest load of horsecrap I've ever seen. Completely unnecessary. I thought that girl Morgan didn't get into BYU? Somehow she still ended up in Utah. Something doesn't sound right. That guy Jason looks like a real douchebag. Did I mention that Kristen deserves a good punch in the face? And I still think she looks like a taller version of the Olsen twins. Additionally, when is Stephen gonna hook up with Lauren/"LC" already? It's just a matter of time, and if it if they bullshit me through the whole season without this happening, then it may single-handedly be the biggest travesty in all of reality television history.
I'll be out of commission with the blog until Thursday night. Keep it real.
Thanks for the shout R-pa ... Greatly appreciate it ... seriously, it is true ... How many people actually get to work and start work immediately??? Gotta start the day with sports and R-pa's blog ... As for Lance ... Yes, he is pretty amazing ... I have always been a fan of Lance ... I definitely watched more of the Tour this year than in the previous 6 years ... And this guy is sick ... I can't imagine cycling on flat terrain, not to mention those vertical mountains ... Forget even pedaling .. Just sitting on the bike for four fucking hours ... Holy shit ... Hoping to meet him when he comes back from Europe ... I'll keep you posted!!!
agreed. i usually get to work and check the press release within 30 minutes of getting here.
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