Wednesday's Ramblings
Got several things to get to, so let's not waste any time...
- New Mailbag article by Bill Simmons on his "Sports Guy World" site from Page 2. Very funny stuff... you wonder how the people come up with this junk to write in with. It's worth checking out. Also, Bill's book "Now I Can Die in Peace" is being released soon. I have to say that I was excited for a book by the Sports Guy, but I should have known it'd be about the Boston Red Sox, so I'm not nearly as excited. Regardless, it may be worth reading just for his writing ability and passion for that damn team.
- Sports news: File this one under "This is a bad move for your team, especially in Week 2" for the Baltimore Ravens, as they signed Kordell Stewart today. I guess anyone is better than Kyle Boller. Speaking of QB situations, Donovan McNabb (a.k.a. "5") has this chest bruise and I think it's a bad sign. Remember a few years ago, Steve McNair had the same injury to his sternum, and he wasn't any good the whole season. I'm a little concerned at this point, but like all other things, we'll see what happens.
Jumping to baseball, the Fightin' Phils are still in the Wild Card hunt! I basically wrote them off a few weeks back, but they are hanging around. Honestly, I am almost beside myself that they are in playoff contention in the middle of September. Don't worry -- they still have 2.5 weeks to blow it.
- Some music to report on:
- The New Pornographers - Twin Cinema - Indie pop rock at its finest, straight from Canada. Extremely catchy tunes, heavy at times, and I almost hurt my hand from drumming on the steering wheel.
- Death Cab for Cutie - Plans - I know I've mentioned this one before, but I've listened to it several times and wanted to reiterate. I wasn't sure what I'd expect from their first major record release, given the success of their prior record from the independent label. I'd say it turned out pretty damn good. Excellent lyrics and I have to admit that Ben Gibbard's voice may be one of the best whiny voices in the business. Check out "I Will Follow You Into the Dark" and "Marching Bands of Manhattan", in addition to my suggestions from the September 1st post.
- Arcade Fire and David Bowie - "Wake Up" from Fashion Rocks at Radio City Music Hall. I mean, come on...Arcade Fire. David Bowie. Together. David Bowie asked Arcade Fire if he could perform with them. What does that say about these guys? By the way, I am disappointed that I'm unable to check out Arcade Fire on Thursday in Central Park. I know that Eric is going, so I may ask him to give me a report.
- Finally, a very cool item for my Penn State crowd out there. This item was passed on to me from the Jessica and roommate Jen Fuss. This week is "Fashion Week" in New York City, which is apparently a big deal. My comment to the Jessica, "Oh, so it's for the fall fashion, right?" She responds with, "No, it's for next spring." Well, if that isn't pushing the seasons, I don't know what is. Anyway, designer Marc Jacobs had the Penn State Blue Band perform at his fashion show the other night. The idea is that he is big on the blue and white/silver combination for his new line, so he chose the Blue Band to come out before the models.
Excerpt from a Boston Globe review:
'Led by a baton twirler, the Penn State Blue Band opened the show with a brassy rendition of ''Smells Like Teen Spirit," harking back to the designer's famously controversial grunge collection of the early 1990s.'
Check it out here by clicking "Click Here to Launch Site", then "Spring/Summer 2006 Video", and be sure to turn your sound on. Let me know what you think...
Take it easy and I'll be back tomorrow night...
PS - the Blue Band clip made it onto the Today Show this morning on NBC and Katie Couric commente on how great they were! WE ARE.....PENN STATE:)
thanks for the heads up on the blue band thing ross. that was pretty cool to see.
i never really got into the arcade fire. they're just too arty for me i think. however, you know a band is good when bowie wants to play with them.
I hope the name threw everyone for a loop.
hey rosspa have you seen the new Martha Stewart talk show? Its hysterical. She has big name guests on (today was Diddy) and they do domestic stuff. each guest she teaches how to fold a shirt. it comes on at 10am here, but then it replays at like 8pm on TLC so maybe you can catch the late show. OR comcast on demand it, my new fave.
Maybe you could just write a blog on the new martha if not the show.
I haven't seen the Martha Stewart show, but I do know that she lives about 15 minutes from where I work. Isn't she still on house arrest or am I making this up? By the way, I'm not completely sure who real estate is. Maybe Janet?
My understanding is that she's no longer on house arrest, so Ross, keep an eye out for her riding down the street on a horse or some other Martha-ish mode of transportation.
In other celebrity commentary, Ross - I'd like to hear your thoughts on the newest member of the Britney and Kevin "White Trash" Federline brood.
That's right... Preston Michael Spears Federline. (My co-workers thought they should name him Broccoli...)
Anyway. My thoughts on the dual last name is that once Kevie hits the road, Britney figures it will be an easier transition to just drop the second last name, as opposed to changing the last name all together. What do you think?
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