Monday Night Ramblings
Monday night and a few things on hand.
- First off, please allow me to express my excitement that the Yankees lost this evening and are now out of the playoffs. Honestly, it just doesn't make baseball any more exciting to have the same team win year after year (or at least be in contention to win). And besides, when you're in this New York metro area, you get sick of hearing about the Yankees real quick.
- Secondly, thank you to everyone who wrote in with their comments about the Penn State game this past weekend. Seems like it was an absolutely unreal experience, and I definitely look forward to coming up to Happy Valley in a few weeks for the Homecoming game vs. Purdue.
- So I have this 80's mix that I made for the car, and it's basically about 30 songs from the 80's that I put on a pair of CD's. One of the songs is "Africa" by Toto, which is just a great song in my opinion. While listening to the song, I realized that they have one of the most unique lines out of any song ever written. Right before the last chorus, it goes, "I know that I must do what's right/Sure as Kilimanjaro rises like Olympus above the Serengeti". Honestly, when would you ever expect to hear these words grouped together? When they were writing the song, did one of the band members think, "How can we work Kilimanjaro, Olympus, and the Serengeti into the song? In fact, how can we work it into one line?" Yes, these are the things that I wonder about...
- Speaking of 80's music, I also wonder if David Lee Roth ever said to Sammy Hagar, "You know, if it wasn't for 'Right Now', you're experience with Van Halen would have basically been worthless..."
- Here's something that I never know how to deal with... when you're driving on a dark road and the jerk behind you has the brights on. Now, if the person is coming toward you, you can flick the lights to notify them. But when the idiot is behind you, there's nothing you can do. Well, scratch that. You could always pull over, let them pass you, then follow them with your brights on. That'll really get 'em. How can you not realize that your bright lights are on and that there's someone in front of you who is being blinded? Add this to the list of things that piss me off.
That's all for tonight. Back tomorrow.
i had a conversation with my friend in the car on the way home from PSU this weekend regarding things people do when driving that really piss me off. this was a result of somebody in the left (passing) lane going about 60 mph in a 65 mph zone. when i would go to pass him (yes some men can't drive, either) on the right, he sped up and i was forced to get behind him again b/c i was coming up on another car in the right lane. i didn't like this too much, so i waited a while to see if he would speed up again or pull into the right lane, which he didn't. so i turned my high beams on and left them on for a good 10-15 seconds until he finally pulled into the right lane. there's a lot of other things that bother me when i'm driving, but this just happened to be fresh in my mind. i'll let you know if i think of more as the day goes on.
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