All the News That's Fit to Blog
What's funny about the dynamic of the blog is that I often (or should I say, always) write late at night before I go to sleep. Which means that most of you read what I write the next morning/afternoon, with the exception of Jared, who gets so excited for my posts that he often reads them right after I upload to the site. Of course, he has the benefit of being 1 hour behind in the Central time zone, but we'll let him slide. Any case, the point of mentioning all of this is because I never know how to reference the current point in time. When I'm describing something, it seems natual to say "today" or "tonight", but by the time you read this, it would make more sense for it to say "yesterday" or "last night". But of course, that'd be bizarre for me to write because I'd be typing about a topic or a thought at the current point in time, which for me would be "today" or "tonight", and not "yesterday" or "last night". I don't want to get the present and the future mixed up because I'd mess up the space & time continuum, and might get the NASA folks on my case. [Note: At this point, I would use one of my favorite transition terms "But I digress", but how can I digress from a topic when I started this post with the rambling you just read? And, no, I'm not high.]
- If anyone bought the Wedding Crashers DVD: take a look at the special features when you get a chance, specifically the "99 Red Balloons" deleted scene. Absolutely hilarious and probably good enough to have been left in the movie. Besides that, it encouraged me to download "99 Red Balloons" tune from the 1980's one-hit wonder, Nena. She's from Germany, and originally, this song was titled "99 Luftballons", before they translated it all to English. And in other news, my last name in German means "white bread". My ancestors were bakers in Eastern Europe, so that's my two degrees of separation.
- We all love television, and when there's news about TV stations, I need to pass on the story. This fall, we will all say hello to the new CW Network, which will be a joint venture of the CBS Corporation (parent to UPN) and Time Warner(parent to the WB). However, that means that UPN and the WB will cease to exist....not that I actually watch anything on either of those networks. Don't worry though, because "Gilmore Girls" and "Everybody Hates Chris" will still be on the air on the new station. I don't see this merger affecting me very much, but if I'm missing something, please let me know. (Thanks goes out to the Jessica for informing me of this story, and also to co-worker Adam for passing on the link as well.)
- Regarding Alexis' comment in my previous post about the ongoing contract issues between the TWU and MTA... I'm waiting for that one to play out. Not sure if the "aura" of a possible transit strike entices me anymore since I beat the story to death back in late-December. But, let's see what happens, and if the story becomes interesting, we'll pick coverage back up. Unless of course everyone opposes it and threatens to strike from reading the RPR, in which case, I'll refrain from mentioning it at all. Or I might just strike along with the TWU. Either way, let's just hope these clowns don't walk off the job again.
-Just curious: Are you one of those people who calls a friend on your cell phone while you're attending a concert? While you're on the phone, tell your friend if they had to the show with you, then you wouldn't have to give them a call with 20,000 people yelling in the background. Add this to my pet peeve list.
(Picture courtesy of
- I know I've been doing a lot of news articles & internet links lately. If anyone has any ideas for a feature story, I'll be glad to entertain them. With all of this being said, that's all I can you tell for this evening. I will check back in tomorrow (or the next day, however you want to look at it.)
It's ok Ross, my last name means "dick or fuck field" in Hebrew, which I interestingly found out on my trip to Israel.
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