Aimless Ramblings
I've determined that I use the word "random" too much in the post titles. You know, things like "Tuesday Night Randomness" or "Random Comments for your Thursday". Get this... I checked the thesaurus online and came up with some synonyms. There's some memories of 7th grade English class right there. Anyway, on to tonight's commentary.
- I've decided that, given the opportunity, I might be able to maintain a diet made up of only dessert items. Seriously, I think dessert is my downfall. I love all things chocolate, ice cream, cake, cookies... you name it. And the unfortunate part of all of this is that I often (er, always) have way too many of these items in my apartment. At the supermarket last weekend, they had Entenmann's on sale. So of course I had to buy an apple strudel. I have ice cream in the freezer. I have a stock of Pepperidge Farm cookies. It's Girl Scout cookie season, and I have a couple boxes of them too. This is bad for business. If I end up weighing 300 lbs some day, you'll know why. I guess this is good motivation to keep up solid attendance at the gym... just don't send me to a spinning class and I'll be alright.
- Allow me to comment on these cell phones with MP3 capabilities. In theory, it's a pretty good idea. I just wonder how practical it is. The cell phone makers are marketing the product toward the 18-34 year old range, let's say. This is also the predominant age range which I believe would already own some form of an MP3 player. Even though people are usually in the market for a new cell phone every 2 years or so, I'd be curious how often people are in the market for a new MP3 player. I have an iPod that I purchased about 15 months ago and I'll use it until the thing either breaks, the battery craps out, or it's completely obselete. If I already have a 20 GB iPod, do I really need a cell phone with an MP3 player that holds 100 songs? Probably not.
The next point I'll make is that this trend could be similar to when the cell phones with the camera came out. At first, they were extremely overpriced and the only people who purchased them were the techies who need to get every new electronic toy right when they are released, and the people who felt the need to have a cell phone with a camera. Fast forward a few years and every phone has camera capabilities. In fact, you'd be hard pressed to find many cell phones that don't take pictures. If we wait a year or so, it could be that many cell phone makers are selling phones that also play music. In this case, you don't have much of a choice when your 2 year deal is up, and all the kids will end up cruising around college campuses while listening to Fall Out Boy in between conversations with their frat brothers and sorority sisters.
Now I have to ask the imminent question.... does anyone have one of these MP3 cell phones?
- Looks like Howard Stern has himself in more trouble. CBS wants to sue Howard for advertising Sirius while he was still working for their radio station. The best part is that CBS Chief Executive, Les Moonves, claims that he kept Howard on the air with the intention of suing him shortly after he left the company. Sounds pretty low to me. On the brighter side, I have an "in" with Baba Booey, so maybe I can make some phone calls to get the insider scoop. Or not.
- If I remember correctly, we are now around the 1 year mark since "The Gates" were on display in New York City's Central Park. I've deemed "The Gates" as the Most Worthless Art Exhibit ever made and also The Most Overhyped Worthless Art Exhibit ever made. For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, this French husband & wife combo created a ton of neon orange metal structures in the shapes of gates and spread them all over the walking paths in Central Park in early 2005. Each gate had a piece of equally bright neon orange cloth hanging on it like a set of drapes. That's it. I'm not kidding. But please, let's not get started on what people consider art and what isn't. That argument is about as worthwhile as arguing about politics -- it'll be like trying to move your car out of a muddy parking: spinning your wheels and going nowhere.
Back tomorrow with some more of whatever it is that I provide to all of you. Entertainment? A laugh here and there? A good way to spend a few minutes of your day to see what's going on in my life? Your choice and I'll oblige with more of that in about 24 hours.
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