Sorry to all of my Irish Friends out there
I apologize for missing out on the St. Patrick's Day post. I was going to write it last night, but Blogger was having technical difficulties and I physically couldn't post anything.
I was going to mention how everyone can be Irish for the day, to be in the spirit of things, as we treat this day as one big drinking bonanza (or at least we did in college). I was going to mention the craziness about St. Patrick's Day senior year when my friends sat at Cafe 210 all day and the ridiculousness that ensued.
Regardless, hope everyone has a good time today. I hope to make an appearance at an Irish pub somewhere in the city this evening, assuming I get in. I understand that many of the establishments that are normally empty, except for a few drunk homeless guys, will most likely be filled to capacity. It'll be good times all around.
Enjoy the day, enjoy Day 2 of the tourney, and have a good weekend. I'll be back on Sunday.
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