Quick Thoughts
I wanted to jot down a few thoughts from the ride home tonight...
- Yesterday, Jessica and I were discussing something and we used the saying, "Kill two birds with one stone". It prompted us to wonder, at some point in history, did people actually try to kill birds with stones? Were they successful at all? Even if they were successful, what are the odds that you'd kill two with one throw? Yes, these are the things we think about during a 3 hour ride from Philadelphia back up to my place in the CT.
- Listened to Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers' Greatest Hits tonight. File this one under "Every single song is great" category. Honestly, you never realize how many great songs Tom Petty has until you listen to this 17 song collection. Still annoyed that I've never seen him live - it needs to happen.
- I'll never understand the point of putting a spoiler on the back of a car. Especially one of those gawdy spoilers that sits about a foot off of the trunk. What purpose does this thing serve? Will it make this pimped-out Honda Civic more aerodynamic? I don't get it.
-Looking forward to seeing how the new guys on the Eagles look tonight. I know it's the first preseason game and it means absolutely nothing, but you can still do a little scouting. The TO situation is still completely blown up within the media, and it's a lose-lose situation at this point, I've decided. I am looking forward to what comes out of this little meeting he's going to have with Andy Reid on Wednesday.
Back with more later on tonight...
i don't know a lot about cars, and don't claim too. but here's what i know about spoilers. they keep the car grounded. let me explain. when going really fast i suppose there's a chance the car's front end could fly up ala a power boat or drag racer. the spoiler uses the air to create a force pushing down on the car, much like the wing of a plane creates a force that pushes it up. the gawdy ones on pimped out honda civics are useless because i don't think those guys will ever go fast enough to worry about the car going nuts. furthermore, i think to be effective the spoiler needs to be welded to the frame of the car, and the ones that guys put on their pimped out civics are super-glued to the roof. (i could be wrong about the whole frame-welding thing. but i'm 90% sure the reason for the spoiler is correct.)
If you want to ponder more useless sayings such as "It's on the tip of my tongue", and "I can see it in my head" (Unless your a Dr. and have a Cat Scan Machine - How can you see something in your head??)
check out the website below:
Owen, either you truly know what you are talking about, or you've done one hell of a job of bullshitting us. Regardless, keep up the good work.
Jessica Rose, thanks for posting the useless sayings link. :o) I'm sure I'll touch on more of these items in the near future.
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