Tonight was an Excellent Night for TV
Now that we are getting back into the new seasons for our favorite television shows, we have many great TV nights upon us. Tonight was one of them. Let's recap...
First, we had the season premiere of Arrested Development. As with many other shows, I didn't get into AD until a few months back. Luckily, Jen Fuss (roommate of the Jessica) had the Season 1 DVD and we plowed through them pretty quickly. Unfortunately, the Season 2 DVD hasn't come out yet, but I've decided to watch the Season 3 premiere tonight and catch up on what I missed at another time. This story sounds a lot like the Entourage story, huh? Anyway, Arrested Development might be on the funniest shows that FOX has put out in quite some time (right up there with Family Guy). The story lines are so unbelievably ridiculous that they are hard to believe, and the whole thing ends up being a comedy of errors. But I love it and look forward to this season.
Next, I decided to check out the new FOX show, Kitchen Confidential, with that guy from "Wedding Crashers"(real name: Bradley Cooper). This show ended up being pretty damn funny as well. If anyone saw that reality show "Hell's Kitchen" then you realized that Kitchen Confidential is basically the sitcom version of the reality show. All sorts of crazy happenings in the kitchen of this restaurant and some decent comedy writing. I like it. Ross Recommendation: If you didn't see it tonight, be sure to check it out next Monday.
In the meantime, we had not one, but two Monday Night Football games going on, and ABC was smart enough to put one on ABC and the other on ESPN, so I could flip back and forth to each crappy game. (Side note: I'm convinced that it's like Chinese water torture to watch an NFL game involving any team in the NFC East other than the Eagles. Seriously, I'm watching this Cowboys-Redskins game right now and I think I may be falling asleep in the process. And watching the Giants earlier wasn't any better. What a boring breed of football. But I digress...) Anyway, at least it was nice to have the option to watch 2 football games at once on Monday night.
And at 10pm on MTV, you know what that means....Laguna Beach! Honestly, I say this week in and week out, but this show really is annoying me. I'm convinced that I sat there for 30 minutes with the "Are You For Real?" look on my face. First of all, it must be nice to be able to go to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, for Spring Break during high school. If I remember correctly, 3 years out of 4, my spring breaks in high school were spent at Track & Field "2 a days" where we ran until we vomited. Granted, senior year I did go on a cruise with my family, so I can't complain too much. Back to the show - so if I were Jessica, I would be afraid of Alex M. too. Look at her. Alex M. has a good 3 or 4 inches on her, plus Jessica is like 5 ft nothing and maybe 100 pounds soaking wet. Alex has that raspy emphysema voice, and has that quasi- Kelly Clarkson look when she wears the trucker hat (not that this makes her look tough, but is worth mentioning). When Alex bitched her out, it ranked pretty high on the Unintentional Comedy Scale, especially the following dialogue:
Jessica: Alex, what do you want me to tell you?
Alex: Tell me you're a slut.
Jessica: Ok, I'm a slut.
Alex: [Shaking head - in shock that she actually said that] That's low, dude.
I almost fell off the sofa at this point. Absolutely hilarious. Oh, and let me not forget how much of a dipshit Jason is. My god, this kid does not know how to communicate with other human beings. The girls flock to him like flies on shit, and when they ask him questions, he responds with "Yeah", "Ok", "I dunno", and other inaudible grunts. I just want to sock him in the face. In fact, I am legitimately getting mad as I write about this kid. I'm done.
Other loose ends: Julie requested my comments the other day on Britney & Kevin's new kid. You ask and I'm glad to oblige. My initial reaction is that this kid is doomed. He'll be in the public eye for quite some time, and god help him when he's old enough to realize that his mother was a pop idol for a short period of time and that his dad never did much of anything to gain "celebrity" status. I can't wait to see when this kid starts walking, and the whole family is walking around barefoot in public. Britney doesn't seem to have much in the way of common sense and may skip the baby food altogether and go straight for the KFC or McDonald's. Maybe Madonna's kid will be his mentor in Kaballah studies for children. Who knows? Maybe Preston Michael Spears Federline will become a child star or a pop idol himself. He might be in the 2023 version of 'NSync. Keep an eye out for the latest "Star" or "US Weekly" for P.M.S.F. update. By the way, he's gotta lose the dual last name. Pick one and go with it, hot shot.
That's it for tonight. Back tomorrow.
great use of "hot shot" at the end of that entry! i kinda want to incorporate that into my vocabulary.
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