Comments for your Enjoyment
Quick comments here on this Tuesday evening...
- Eric wanted me to mention that a bird shit on him this afternoon while he was on his way back to work from lunch. He started to ponder, "What's the point of birds? Is there only purpose on this Earth to shit on people and cars?" Granted those are valid questions, but I'm not about to get into the purpose of various creatures on this planet. I did mention to him that many people believe that getting shit on by a bird is good luck. My mom always said this, but then again, my mom still tells me plenty of "old wives' tales" as they call them. You wouldn't think that having a bird shit on you is good luck, since it isn't all that pleasant. I was a lucky recipient of a present from a bird back in senior year of high school. While we were on our senior class trip in DisneyWorld, a bird crapped on my shoulder while we were walking around Epcot. I was pissed at the time, although it wasn't the end of the world, and come to think of it, I don't remember having any extraordinary luck after that either. Regardless, I think someone made up the good luck story to make people feel better about getting crapped on.
It is amazing that birds have such great aim. I always have bird crap on my car. And you always hear stories like Eric's, where people are their target. But think about all of the potential areas where it could land, but it always manages to hit something. I think the birds have a vendetta out against the human race and all of our vehicles. Birds are pretty pointless: The seagulls in any beach town drive me nuts, and pigeons in the cities also enough to make you crazy. We do need more of the cool looking tropical birds like you'd see at the zoo... like toucans, or condors. I also wouldn't mind seeing more blue jays, cardinals, and orioles, just to prove the point that Major League Baseball had a purpose in naming their teams after these type of birds. It's unbelievable that I was able to write this much commentary on birds, but if nothing else, I proved to myself that I can write about anything given a specific topic request. You are all now stupider for having read my nonsense.
- Saw a car tonight with an Alaska license plate. Gotta wonder what he's doing in Stamford, CT, and how long it took him to get here from there. I've also seen Hawaii license plates on occasion. I have to believe that the Pacific Ocean is one obstacle that's tough to cross. I'd like to pull up next to these cars and yell, "What are you doing here and how did you get here?" just to see what the response is. Does anyone else wonder about these things?
- Actually caught that "Tommy Lee Goes Back to College" show again tonight and I have to say that it's not that bad. Again, there's nothing else on at that time that I'd rather watch, so I may keep coming back to it, just to see what happens next. Also, watched "The Office" which may be one of the funniest TV shows I've seen in a while. Steve Carrell is absolutely hilarious (side note: I still need to see "40 Year Old Virgin". Heard that was damn funny as well.) I can't say that I've seen the original "The Office", which would be the British version, so that may be worth looking in to. For me, British comedy is hit or miss. Sometimes I find it funny, and other times it just doesn't do it for me.
- Finally, big news on the family front: My sister, Jamie, heads up to The Pennsylvania State University on Wednesday morning to move in for her freshman year, thus continuing the Weisbrot family legacy that I began back in 2000. I pleaded with her to take me with, but odds are that I wouldn't fit anywhere given the limited space in the East Halls dorms and the massive amounts of clothing/hair products she is taking with her. Freshman year was great - new experiences, meeting new people, finding your niche at school, learning the ropes of college...oh man. Now look at me, working in corporate America as my "reward" for 4 awesome years in Happy Valley. My vote is that we all go back to school and do it all again. Who's with me?
(There's Jamie...she looks pretty damn excited if you ask me)
On that note, I'll be back tomorrow.
alright, fine, i'll say it. only because i know everyone else is thinking it...ross, your sister is pretty hot.
The Tommy Lee show is good. The Office is really good. The british version of The Office is excellent. Ross, you have to check it out. Oh, and good article about the birds.
First off ... Congrats to your sis ... I'm certainly very jealous ... We will all have to live vicariously through your sis ... Thanks for the shout-out the other day ... Chillin with Lance and Sheryl has definitely been very fun and a great reminder of how poor I am ... Lance has a great sense of humor and loves to mimic my NYC accent ... Oh and you said a couple of RPRs ago that you went to 1st & 1st ... There is also a Chinese food place that I think you and Jess should go to .. Called Lucky Changs ... I think you would absolutely love it Ross ... It is your scene for sure ... I think it would also be a good RPR ... Ok I'm OUT ... Lata - Jared
Jared, nice use of the "..." instead of periods. I heard that pretty soon the APA Handbook is going to say its ok to do that. You sure are a trendsetter.
heyy ross just wanted to let you know thats things are going great and dad finally left but it was a good time - but nice choice going a day early!! ill update all you alums on my first experiences and ross please pick a better picture of me!
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