Few quick items to catch up on from this week:
- Even though the end of the summer is approaching, there are two great things in the Fall to look forward to: Football and new seasons of your favorite TV shows. There will be plenty of commentary on the new football seasons for NCAA and NFL, but we'll come to that later. However, thanks to the Jessica for sending this Excel spreadsheet for the
2006-07 PrimeTime Broadcast Schedule (right click, "Save Target As") - taken from cynopsis.com. This is pretty handy so that you don't miss the season premieres of your favorite shows, and even if you can't catch it when it airs the first time, you'll at least know when to DVR it. The schedule looks good with regard to shows that I like to watch and/or am interested in checking out. Of course, the Wednesday schedule is still worthless, especially since I never caught on to the hype for "Lost".
- I went to see The Shins concert last night at the McCarren Park Pool in the Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn. The venue is quite interesting: someone must have had the idea in the last year or so to utilize an abandoned public swimming pool facility for concerts. It's not like Brooklyn doesn't have an outdoor concert venue for the summer season, as I'm aware of several shows that have played in Prospect Park. Any case, McCarren Pool hasn't been used in about 20 years, but several entities got together and restored the area for various concerts and events this summer. They've had free shows on Sundays, and paid events on other days. You figure that an empty swimming pool has plenty of space and is sloped enough whereby those standing close to the stage (in the deep end) won't obstruct the view of those standing farther away (in the shallow area). It worked out magnificently.
There was a large turnout for the show, although it wasn't sold out. It was general admission, but there was plenty of room and people weren't standing on top of each other. The audio was a little choppy at first, as one of the bass amps was having some technical issues and producing static. Once they got that fixed, no problems on the audio front. The Shins played a solid show. They ran through a good deal of their song catalog, granted that only encompasses two records:
Chutes Too Narrow and
Oh, Inverted World. They played a couple of new tunes from their forthcoming record due out in early 2007, and they sounded good after a first listen.
Funny story: The Shins started to play "New Slang", which is their flagship song after gaining popularity in the movie,
Garden State. You'd imagine that they would play "New Slang" at every concert they've ever performed, and at this point, it's like second nature for them to perform it live. After about 30 seconds, the lead singer starts laughing and says, "I'm sorry, I completed messed up the words!" Eric and I look at each other in amazement. "How can you mess up the words to your most popular tune?" So then the band gives it another shot and again, about 45 seconds in, the lead singer messes up the lyrics. Finally, he says, "We'll give this one another shot later on," and they moved to another tune. I guess I can understand that after perfoming a song hundreds and hundreds of times, you don't even have to think about the words; they just roll off your tongue. Regardless, in the first song of the encore (surely after taking a glance at the lyrics offstage), they successfully played "New Slang" and everyone was satisfied.
Overall, the show was enjoyable, and if you like
The Shins, check them out the next time you get a chance. Hopefully, they'll get "New Slang" correct the first time around.
- I'm heading down to AC this weekend, so if all goes well, I'm come back with a tan, some more cash in my pocket, and a few good stories to go with it.
Back after the weekend.